Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pain Staking Love. :)

After a year, I've finally decided to keep track of my files and stock them up.

Seeing this heart warming letter from a good adviser, it made me feel contented to my feelings right now. I shouldn't be in a hurry, 'coz everything has it's right time. :D

I just wanna share this letter with you guys. Remember you're the chosen ones. :)

"When you were born, somewhere out there, someone was born, too, just for you. Do not agonize over the wait for time is perfecting him just as you are perfected. On the right moment, the right circumstance, the perfect place, destiny and fate will align for you to find each other. You may break your heart many times just as he will surely be for the moment has not yet arrived for two destined hearts to meet. You need not find him, for trying to causes sorrow. Just wait and enjoy each passing moment for he will find you, no matter what. Distance and time has no meaning. Not even culture, belief and chances can stop what has been written before time ever began. Love yourself. The ONE is out there. In time, he will be there only for you."

Don't you agree?

My wholehearted thanks to a very inspiring thought, from a teacher whom I appreciate and treasure most. :)